[nabs-l] Mis-aligned braille cell on IPhone braille input

Kaiti Shelton crazy4clarinet104 at gmail.com
Thu May 7 06:08:17 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I started using the braille input when I got my IPhone 6 and love it.
I was using it fine for a while but I noticed a few weeks ago that now
dots 1, 2, and 3 are set lower than dots 4, 5, and 6 on the screen.
If you were to look at the screen you would actually see the little
icon for dot 3 is partially cut off of the screen because of the
mis-alignment.  Table-Top mode still shows the dots for the 1, 2, and
3 sells further down the screen and not ligned up with dots 4, 5, and
6.  I tried turning off braille input and turning it back on and
resetting the phone.  I also had one of my sighted roommates take a
look at it but she couldn't see an explanation for why the dots were
not ligned up anymore either.

Has anyone else had this problem or know of how I might go about
fixing it?  I know it's a bit picky but it can really throw me off
when I'm trying to quickly type a message.  Remembering to not have my
hands ligned up is a little more challenging than I thought.  I tried
just waiting it out to see if it would change one time when I turned
on the phone again or something, but nothing has changed.

Note that nothing else is messed up on my phone.  The screen works
correctly for all the other things and the buttons for the braille
dots are not ligned up, not just the image of the dots on the screen.
I don't have an explanation for this at all, but hopefully someone
more tech-savvy than I will.--

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