[nabs-l] ideas for the New Jersey association of blind students state Board and ideas for the National association of Blind Students national board: very immediate very urgent consideration is very immediately very necessary

Mr. Alexander Scott Kaiser mister.alexander.scott.kaiser at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 02:39:13 UTC 2015

To Whom It May Concern: 

Hello this is Mr. Alexander Scott Kaiser. I have ideas for the New Jersey
association of blind students  Board to make the New Jersey Association of
blind students a more communicable division. Can the New Jersey Association
of Blind Students board and the National Association of Blind students
National board create  legislative committees comprising of a state board
member,  a national board member, a state student division officer, a
national association of blind students national officer, and 2  members of
the student body of the New Jersey Asociation of Blind Students and two
members of the Student body of the National Asociation of Blind Students?
Can the New Jersey Association of Blind Students board establish a concert
fundrraiser with me playing the piano to a croud of people and have tickets
priced reasonably to raise money for the student division? Can the board of
New Jersey Association of Blind students and the Board of the National
Association of Blind Students have a rising leader leadership seminar in
conjunction with the 40TH state convention of the National Federation of the
Blind of New Jersey in Manahawkin, New Jersey from November 10, 2016 through
November 13, 2016? Can the New Jersey association of Blind Students  board
and the national association of Blind students national board host a student
legislative advocate leadership seminar at the November 10-November 13 2016
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey State convention in
Manahawkin, New Jersey? Can the state board of the New Jersey Association of
Blind students organize a monty Carlo cacino game night for the New Jersey
Association of Blind Students at the 40TH state convention of the National
Federation of the Blind of New Jersey to raise money for the state division?
Please let me know if these are tangebel ideas. Please call me at
1.732.202.6795, 1.848.863.8049 and 1.848.205.0208 and email me with a high
importance,  confedential sensitivity, message sent receipt  message read
receipt and reply addresses in Microsoft outlook at
<mailto:MISTER.ALEXANDER.SCOTT.KAISER at GMAIL.COM> .  Thank you for your time
and consideration.


Mr. Alexander Scott Kaiser

P.S. Thank you and I hope you have a fantastic, happy, wealthy, prosperous,
wonderful, excellent and prosperous thanksgiving!

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