[nabs-l] Fair payment for readers

Lizzy lizzym0827 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 02:38:32 UTC 2015

Hi Kaiti,
I would actually have to disagree with Ashley here and say that 
it really depends on your school and your relationship with the 
DS office.  At my school things are pretty flexible so my DS 
coordinator loves it when either professors or I suggest students 
for positions.  She already knows that they are well qualified 
for the job, and after that it's just a matter of scheduling.  
So, for future reference, I would say look into what your DSO is 
willing to do (it never hurts to ask).  In this case, I would go 
for buying food or some other small gift as payment.  Also, the 
gift/meal together could give the two of you more time to get to 
know each other or leave a good memory for the future.  Someone 
on here said that the relationship between you and your reader 
has the potential to help the both of you and that is so true.
Good luck with this, I hope you find it helpful!

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