[nabs-l] Microaggression and unconscious biases towards blind people and people with disabilities

Joseph C. Lininger devnull-nabs-l at pcdesk.net
Sun Apr 17 08:07:07 UTC 2016

That thing about your phone is actually halarious to me, because it 
reminds me of a related story which directly ties in with what we're 
talking about here. I was telling one of my blind friends that I'm a 
clutz, which is nothing more than the truth. He made some comment like 
"are you seriously one of those clumsy blind people? Why can't you just 
be more careful so you're not one of those?" Thing  was (and still is 
actually), the blindness doesn't have anything to do with it. I'm just a 
clutz and that's the way it is. There are plenty of sighted folks who 
are clumsy, uncoordinated, or who just exhibit "clutz" behavior. He made 
the assumption it was a blind thing though when I mentioned it, and he's 
blind himself.

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