[nabs-l] Transition

annajee82 at gmail.com annajee82 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 03:07:58 UTC 2016

Hey I am really curious as to people's general experience with transitioning from being a sighted student to being a blind student.  
I have heard a lot of different stories and would like to hear more.  If you had this experience, I would like to hear what it was like.  In relation to school in general.  What was the hardest thing about it?  As a newly blind person, what did you struggle the most to do?  What was the most frustrating? What real or perceived changes did it take you a long time to work through, and how did you do it.  
What was the easiest thing? 
And whatever else.
Thanks for the input, as always.

Anna E Givens

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