[nabs-l] Blind Doctoral Student Finishing Dissertation - Need Your Help! Please!

Alex Cohen ahc43 at drexel.edu
Thu Sep 8 00:40:05 UTC 2016

Good Evening Everyone,


My name is Alex Cohen and I am a Ph.D. Candidate in marketing at Drexel
University working hard to complete my dissertation.

I need some help getting participants for the final study, and I would be
grateful for your kind assistance. It will only take a few minutes. I


This is a two in one study where vision impaired participants answer
questions about online accessibility issues, and normally sighted
participants answer questions about negative word of mouth regarding
accessibility issues. As a "thank you" for your participation, a $2 donation
will be made to the vision impairment organization of your choice (including
the NFB). Blind and vision impaired participants are encouraged to share
this link with other blind and vision impaired individuals, and three or
four normally sighted people you know who would be willing to participate in
a five minute research survey. 

Please contact Alex Cohen at ahc43 at drexel.edu with any questions or
comments. Thank You! The link below will remain active until the targeted
number of responses is received.

Please use the following link to begin the survey.


Warmest Personal Regards,


Alex Cohen

Ph.D. Candidate

Marketing Department

LeBow College of Business

Drexel University 


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