[nabs-l] dropbox help again!

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Sun Dec 24 04:05:27 UTC 2017

hello all again,

well, I have tried chris's help in going to the folder that I want to
share with someone by using shift plus f10 and, then I go to the share
link where I hit enter and, then I have tried to use that feature to
write in that field on who I want to share my folder with! I have
tried sending and adding that person to my dropbox feature and,
windows won't let me do this! so, how do I go about and add other
people to dropbox so, I can share my folder with them by using jfw
with some easier keystrokes? i'm trying to send my Christmas folder to
him and, i'm having major problems doing this... any help would be
greatly appreciated for me....


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