[nabs-l] Serious problems with web view" being displays when opening email and other types of content like trying to sig into Rrs services?

Jessica Dail jldail13 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 16:17:06 UTC 2017

Sorry for the ofg subject, but I didn't know how else to phrase it.
As the subject says, I need help with "web views"
I constantly get them when opening emails as well as when trying to sign into my rss service of choice, which is feedly. Every app I tried; and I've tried a lot of them, just give me a "web view" when I try to sig in with Google.
I'd like to get something working, because I'd like to reads my RS content on my braillenote touch.
Can anyone tell me what "web views" are?
Can I get rid of them forever?
I've gotten them ever since receiving my braillenote last October.

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