[nabs-l] looking towards Convention

luke schwinck luke.schwinck at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 6 17:28:53 UTC 2017

Hello NABS family

Lately I have been watching this list abuzz with convention chatter.  Chatter about roommates, chatter about mentorship, and chatter about future leadership of our division.  While having a place to lay your head, and having someone to help you navigate the bedlam of convention are all important, I am of the opinion that being informed about those seeking to lead us is of the utmost importance.

In my experience I have learned that there is a difference between a good person and a good leader.  A good person innately considers others and the greater good before themselves.  A good leader is able to recognize potential, bring out the best in others, and organize them to work cohesively.  Many of us possess one or the other of these attributes, but when you find someone who embodies  all of the aforementioned qualities they deserve to be recognized.

I have come to know Michael Ausbun as one of these rarities.  When I met him nearly two years ago he welcomed me into the fold with open arms.  As I interacted with him more I came to anxiously anticipate our conversations.  I knew when I asked about what he had been doing I was sure to get a new and interesting answer.  The content was always about advancing the goals of the National Federation of the Blind and striving towards equality and respect for the Blind.  Then it always ended with an open invitation to another conversation and him asking if there was anything he could do to help.  This is not opinion but proof that Michael Ausbun is a good person, but is he a good leader?

Serving on the NABS Board with MIchael really gives perspective to the kind of leader he is.  I observed his ability to recognize potential in himself and others, and then watched him transform that into action.  During board meeting and at events he could always be relied upon to be the steady voice of logic and reason.  Over the past few months you may have heard of the various positions he has held, but what is less common knowledge is that he has been traveling around the country, literally coast to coast, gathering support for AIM HE.  He does this not to make his situation better, but because he believes in the principles of equality and respect for all down to his very core.

Michael Ausbun has had my unwavering support since he first indicated an interest in serving as first vice president of the National Association of Blind Students.  Now that you all have secured your convention roommates, found your mentor/mentees, and been informed it is time to look towards the future.  It is my sincerest hope that you all afford Michael the recognition and respect he has earned and go forward with him to help build this beautiful and powerful federation.

Best regards,

Luke A. Schwinck

President | National Federation of the Blind of Kansas Student Division

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