[nabs-l] Request for software testers

Bryan Duarte (Student) Bryan.Duarte at asu.edu
Wed May 17 06:22:15 UTC 2017

Greetings NABS,

I was asked to forward this opportunity to provide your feedback on a piece of graphing software being developed at the University of Washington. Please take a few minutes and contribute to the technology being developed for students who are blind and low vision. Thank you.


My name is Catherine Baker. I am a graduate student in Computer Science and
Engineering at the University of Washington.

We are currently working on a project to investigate the accessibility of
dynamic graphs. This study is to investigate an interaction modality to
determine if it improves the accessibility of dynamic graphs.

We are looking for people who have some experience with graphs (the type
with vertices and edges, not bar charts and line graphs) and programming,
use a screen reader, identify as blind or low vision, and are 18 or older.
You must also have access to a computer which you can install software on
for the user study and has internet access to video chat.

Participants will be compensated with a $35 Amazon gift card after
completing the study.

Participation is strictly voluntary.  You may choose to not participate or
to stop the study at any time.

We encourage people of all genders and ethnicities to participate. Please
realize that it is *only the technology* we are testing, not you!

If you are interested in participating in our study, please fill out this
survey <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__catalyst.uw.edu_webq_survey_cmbaker_330000&d=DwIBaQ&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=5dCABYJ5CxvQOBhyYB2Rbvx93pYuHZ0o8bUuY2oCLno&m=v7ABHMsl8JKXZ5E3c5a1fVLFTTwWubINF8G9k5pk3X0&s=JXHJqGVeju70f3WD_xgG0hBfBv5KF_-NegZ6rehlVLk&e= > and we will
contact you if you are a good match. If you have any questions, you can
contact me directly by phone at 319-310-4553 or by email at
cmbaker at cs.washington.edu<mailto:cmbaker at cs.washington.edu> (Please note that I cannot guarantee the
confidentiality of email.).  You may also contact the University of
Washington Human Subjects Division at (206)543-0098 if you have any
questions about your rights as a subject.

Please feel free to forward this to anyone else you know who may be
interested in participating in our study.


Catherine Baker
Computer Science and Engineering
University of Washington
Paul Allen Center
Seattle, WA 98195-2840

Bryan Duarte | software engineer
ASU Computer Science Ph.D Student
Alliance for Person-centered Accessible Technology IGERT Fellow
National Association of Blind Students | Board Member
Arizona Association of Blind Students | President

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.

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