[NABS-L] June NABS Notes

Mausam Mehta mausam.mehta.nfb at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 04:54:15 UTC 2019

Hey Nabsters,
The countdown to convention is in the single digits. We are thrilled for our family reunion, and we hope you can join us for all of the fun!
As our anticipation builds in this final week, we encourage you to check out this month's issue of the NABS Notes. Lots of info and opportunities you don't want to miss! You can access the June NABS Notes at the following link:

For your convenience, the document is also attached at the bottom of this email.
Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
See you in Vegas, in person or in spirit!
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Mausam Mehta
University of Virginia class of 2022
Secretary | Virginia Association of Blind Students
Board member | National Association of blind students
A proud division of the National Federation of the blind
(540) 466-6033
mausam.mehta.nfb at gmail.com

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