[NABS-L] Georgia Tech Study

Kartik Sawhney sawhney.kartik at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 02:25:55 UTC 2019

Hi all,

One of my friends at Georgia Tech is conducting a research study on
various accessible captcha designs. Below is a message from her. If
you are interested or have questions, please reach out to her directly
at svkarimi15 at gmail.com.


Hello, we are a group of student researchers at Georgia Tech who are
measuring the usability and security of current and potential audio
CAPTCHA designs. Since you are visually-impaired, you would be the
perfect participant to evaluate the effectiveness of various designs
that can improve the quality of your daily experiences with audio
CAPTCHAs. There are three different surveys that we will ask you to
complete over time and you will be compensated $10 per survey. The
surveys themselves will take place over Skype or Zoom and will last
about thirty minutes each. The data you provide us will not be
published nor used for any other purposes besides evaluation of audio
CAPTCHA designs. If you are interested in participating, please
complete the form at https://goo.gl/forms/04jfFWTAxP7hpol62. For any
further questions, you can email one of our team members at
svkarimi15 at gmail.com. Thank you in advance.

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