[NABS-L] New website

Selvin Linder sflinder775 at access.alamancecc.edu
Fri May 3 00:35:14 UTC 2019

Good evening Students:

I have a new website feel free to check it out. This site is still under
development. But you can still view it. If you are interested you my
subscribe to the website to receive newsletters and listen to the podcasts.
I don't know when I will start making them yet. Since I have work coming
up. But I am still going to interview some of my friends and you can hear
them on the podcast.

To subscribe scroll all the way to the bottom of the site and enter your
email. I you will get a email letting you know you are on the list. You may
also unsubscribe at anytime or ask me and I can remove you.

*Selvin Linder *

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