[NABS-L] Announcement: Board Member 3 Result

Kathryn Webster, National Student President nabs.president at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 00:59:52 UTC 2020

Hi fam!

After ballots were casted via an online form for registered and dues-paying NABS members, I want to congratulate Robert Parsons for receiving the majority of votes, electing him as our 2020-21 NABS Board Member 3. Thank you to those who exercised your right to vote in our organization and for being patient and trusting in my  leadership to guide our elections through a fair and transparent process. As promised, I will appoint Board Member 4 and will announce the appointee by Saturday. At that point, we will also share the final 2020-21 election results. Do reach out to me to voice any questions or concerns. Congratulations again Robert; I trust your leadership and dedication to our movement. 👏🏻

Kathryn Webster
President, National Association of Blind Students
(203) 273-8463
Sent from my iPhone

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