[NABS-L] National Museum of Natural History Needs Your Help
Rivers, Meg
RiversM at si.edu
Tue May 19 16:49:14 UTC 2020
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), in Washington D.C., needs your help! We want to better understand what visitors who are blind or have low vision need and want so they can enjoy their visit to the museum. Below is a link to an 8 minute long survey, along with more information about the study.
We thank you for your participation and look forward to knowing how we can make our museum more available to you.
Link to Survey
More About the Study
Why are we doing this study?
The purpose of this study is to find out more about the types of services and technology people who are blind or have low vision would prefer to use in a natural history museum.
Why are we talking to you about this study?
The target audience for this study is people who are blind or have low vision.
What happen if you are in this study?
If you agree to be in the study, we will ask you to fill out an online survey. Answer any or all of the questions that you'd like. Your participation is completely anonymous. Your answers will help NMNH better understand how we can improve our services and spaces.
Are there any benefits or risks to being in the study?
There is no benefit to you personally for taking part in this study. You will not be paid for being in this study.
You might get bored or tired and decide that you don’t want to finish the survey. If so, feel free to exit at any time.
Who will know about your study participation?
This online survey only reports back answers and no personal information about you. If we publish reports or give talks about this research, we will only discuss data results. We will not use your name or any other personal information that identifies you.
Do you have to be in the study?
No, you don’t. Research is something you do only if you want to. No one will get mad at you if you don’t want to be in the study. We are grateful for your time with this survey, should you choose to participate.
Do you have any questions?
You can call Meg Rivers at 202-633-1155 or email her at riversm at si.edu if you have questions about this study. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights and treatment as a research subject, you can contact the Smithsonian’s Compliance Officer, Office of Sponsored Projects, by emailing OSPCompliance at si.edu<mailto:OSPCompliance at si.edu> or call 202-633-7118.
Link to Survey repeated
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