[NABS-L] Read 'Em and Weep: March NABS Notes are Live!

Elizabeth Rouse elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com
Wed Mar 31 18:00:00 UTC 2021

Hey, NABSters!

We hope this email finds you all gearing up for a long, holiday weekend.

In between your homework, family time, and naps, we invite you to catch up
on the latest and greatest with NABS in the March edition of NABS Notes.

Take some time to explore our attached file, and don’t be afraid to join in
the fun or ask questions to any NABS leader. 😊

Happy Easter!

Elizabeth Rouse
President | Iowa Association of Blind Students
Co-Chair | NABS Outreach Committee
Treasurer | National Association of Blind Students
A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind
elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com
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