[NABS-L] Reminder please help the DEI committee

Qualik Ford QSFord at outlook.com
Wed May 18 16:22:48 UTC 2022

Hello NABS Member’s, 
This is a reminder that  The diversity equity and inclusion committee is seeking your input on potential policies to support students at in person NABS events. As we are all excited to return to in person conventions/seminars, the DEI committee is drafting potential policies to helps students feel welcomed and supported at in person events.     
Through a Google form, we are gathering your input on the potential policies we have developed thus far. We would like to see any ideas you may have on the topic as well. Your responses will remain anonymous and, the Data will be compiled into a report that will be submitted to the NABS board in June.
You can access the Google form here, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScTy4oND5qy49s4GEDiNn76LONm5jTtN5GhELidDMQ4YGguyQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 

If you have any questions about this project you can reach out to myself, Sara Luna, the diversity equity and inclusion committee chair at, sol.sky.luna at gmail.com 

Qualik Ford
Email: qsford at outlook.com 
Phone number: 301-312-9813 
National Federation Of The Blind Of Maryland affiliate board member
Maryland Association of blind students president
Maryland affiliate Diversity equity and inclusion committee cochair
National Association of Blind students diversity equity and inclusion committee cochair
Maryland affiliate Sports and recreation cochair
Blind industries and services of Maryland rehabilitation instructor

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