[NABS-L] It’s almost time for the next DEI committee meeting

Sara Luna sol.sky.luna at gmail.com
Sat May 21 14:18:34 UTC 2022

Hey y’all,
 The  diversity equity and inclusion committee is excited to invite everyone to our next committee meeting this Sunday the 22nd at 9 PM Eastern. We are celebrating South Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month with a panel of fantastic student  speakers.  

The meeting link is, https://zoom.us/my/blindstudents 

Also, there’s still time to submit a response using our Google form, regarding potential policies to help ensure that all students feel safe comfortable and welcome at in person NABS events. 
You can access the form here, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScTy4oND5qy49s4GEDiNn76LONm5jTtN5GhELidDMQ4YGguyQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 


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