[NABS-L] Job accessibility and Accommodatio=ting students

Elizabeth Sprecher elizabeth.sprecher103 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 15:52:59 UTC 2022

Hi friends,
I'm looking for advice on accessibility in the work-place since, my job is on campus. Part of my mentoring job requires me to be in their main office and help students with testing. The way they have it set up is that in the beginning of the week, professors send the test to the disability office and the tests are printed out and placed in a file folder, with their name on top.A worker would see  a paper with their accommodations listed, which would let them know what is required for the student taking the test. They are not allowed to bring anything extra in to the testing room, and I'm not sure how to look for that. I am supposed to record what time they begin the test,and what time they finish the test, on a piece of paper. I asked if there was a way to record times electronically, since I obviously do not write on the paper.The testing student can't leave the space until they hand the test back. We are also supposed to check if they had drinks with them and if they wrote on their coffee cups. I brought up these concerns about accessibility with my supervisor and neither of us would like or feel comfortable sending the students' accommodations and tests over email, since that will live in my email. We want to figure out a solution that would work, with the most confidentiality. They are not comfortable sending me anything, regarding  someone else's accommodations and I want that to stay in the testing space. However,there is a computer in the room that is the school's,but I'm not sure if anyone uses it. I brought up the idea that our IT department could install NVDA on it, scince that is free and I could use that computer for accessibility and to have electronic way for seeing what the students' need. I'm not really sure how open they are to that idea, but I will bring it up again. Perhaps creating a separate email that I have access to on that computer would be possible?
Do you have any ideas of solutions that can help both me and the job confidentiality. I also want to do this portion of the job as independently as possible, without relying on a coworker to do my job for me.
I'm open to your feedback and want to figure out an accessible solution that will put all of us on an equal level.
Thank You

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