[NABS-L] Stats Textbook

Bridges Help Desk helpdesk at imagemd.org
Wed Jun 21 14:37:00 UTC 2023


I checked, but I do NOT have an already-brailled Statistics textbook.
However, Bookshare has quite a few (including books that are NOT restricted
to NIMAC users. If you find one that works for your school, the school can
(1) emboss the text and (2) create tactile graphics with the graphics from
Bookshare. Personally, I like downloading books in Word. The images are
embedded in the Word document (sometimes with alt text, sometimes not).
Once I confirm or create the formatting I want in Word, I open the file in
BrailleBlaster, clean up anything needed, save as a BRF file, and emboss

Please feel free to reach out anytime!
Carlton Anne Cook Walker
Director, Maryland Bridges Technical Assistance Center


*Free Helpdesk for Maryland Blind/Low Vision Transition Students, Families,
Educators, and Community Allies *

Maryland Bridges Technical Assistance Center

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This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of
Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a
grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special
Education/Early Intervention Services.

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