[NABS-L] BEAM Action: NFBMI White Cane Winners Auction

rob.parso3389 at gmail.com rob.parso3389 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 00:27:31 UTC 2023

Good Evening NABS Family,


Don't let Blind Equality Achievement Month pass without rewarding yourself
for being such a strong member of our wonderful organization. The National
Federation of the Blind of Michigan's White Cane Winners virtual auction
provides an opportunity for interested bidders to compete to claim a number
of enticing items. With the help of our generous donors, we have something
for everyone for great deals, including:

*	Apple Products
*	Access Technology Devices
*	Baked Goods
*	Pet Supplies
*	Accessible Games and so much more


So please take some time to visit the link below and support the Michigan
affiliate's efforts to build the Federation. We would appreciate if you can
share our auction link with family, friends and others that believe in the
work blind people do to turn their dreams into reality. The 2023 White Cane
Winners Virtual Auction runs until Saturday, November 11, 2023. All proceeds
of this fundraiser supports blind Michiganders in their efforts to advocate
in our nation's capital next January at our Washington Seminar.


Auction Link: www.32auctions.com/wcw2023 <http://www.32auctions.com/wcw2023>


With Love, Hope and Determination,


Robert Parsons Jr., President

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan

www.nfbmi.org <http://www.nfbmi.org> 

(269) 216-8640


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