[NABS-L] join the Ohio Association of Blind students tonight at 8:00 PM eastern, for our

Shane Popplestone spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 13:45:58 UTC 2024

Hello all,
Please Join Ohio students for a social meeting tonight at 8:00 PM 
eastern, 5:00 PM pacific.
This is an informal meeting where We'll catch up on the semester, talk 
about tips and tricks, and generally unwind from the week!
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 7116 7510
Passcode: 6227
hope to see you tonight!
Shane Popplestone
President of the Ohio Association of blind students
Co-chair of the ohio newsline committee
member of the Grater Akron Chapter
member of Ohio Association of Guide Dog users
spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com
You can live the life you want!

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