[NABS-L] NABS Town Hall Tonight at 8:00 EST

nabs.president at gmail.com nabs.president at gmail.com
Sun May 5 18:26:10 UTC 2024

Do you need a break from studying for finals? Maybe you already wrapped up
the semester and you need some NABS to fill your time. 


Our May Town Hall will be taking place tonight at 8:00 PM EST in our usual
zoom room. 

We will be discussing what's going on in our committees along with some of
our upcoming seminars and fundraisers. Come learn about what we have been up
to and find out ways that you can get more involved! Here is a link to a
google form where you can submit any questions you may have; they can be
about NABS itself or anything blind student related. The form is anonymous
with the option of including your name and contact information. 

Form: https://forms.gle/67pAvT1cqTrBm95s8

 <https://zoom.us/my/blindstudents> NABS Zoom room


Hope to see you all tonight!




Lauren Altman


National Association of Blind Students

Pronouns: she/her

Email: nabs.president at gmail.com <mailto:nabs.president at gmail.com> 

Phone: (973) 9307473





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