[nagdu] FW: photos finally

lindagwizdak at peoplepc.com lindagwizdak at peoplepc.com
Fri Dec 26 21:50:30 UTC 2008

Hi Angie,
You know, I don't know why I didn't think of the dial-up situation with 
downloading pictures (grin!)!  I HAVE a dial-up service!!

I guess I've been used to waiting 20 minutes for a download if it's pictures 
from my friends.  What I don't like is that I'm thinking a friend is sending 
pictures and it ends up being one of those e-mail things that is cutesy and 
wants you to send it to five friends.  These usually come with moving 
graphics.  I then just delete them and I'm disappointed that it wasn't 

Thanks for the input that should have been quite obvious to me but I didn't 
think of it (smile!).  I can see where folks wouldn't want these long 
dounloads only to discover they can't even see the pictures!

This is what I really like about the list - folks come up with many angles 
of a topic that we all can't think of.  All I care about is that people are 
respectful of each other while having different opinions on things.  I 
really enjoy reading people's thoughts on things even if I were to agree or 
disagree with them.

So, thanks Angie, and you take care and a Happy New Year to you - and 
everyone else on the list.


Linda and Landon
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Angie Matney" <leadinglabbie at mpmail.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] FW: photos finally

> Hi,
> I think the bigger issue might be that there are some people on this list 
> who still use dial-up internet access. I know that at least one listmember 
> does. If someone uses dial-up, it will take them a very long time to 
> download a message that is several
> megabytes in size. Maybe people could post pictures to facebook or 
> something else for those who want to view them. People can view your 
> facebook pictures without having a facebook account.
> Just a thought.
> Best,
> Angie
> On Thu, 25 Dec 2008 20:59:05 -0500, sblanjones11 wrote:
>>There are some partially sighted people on this list who can see the pics.
>>Mind you, (smile) I'm not one of them, but for those who can, GREAT!
>>Susan & Rhoda
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