[nagdu] Bubba in the woods

Jenine Stanley jeninems at wowway.com
Thu Nov 13 18:06:58 UTC 2008


The hunters you have to worry about are the once a year people who have no
idea what they are doing. <grin> 

Yes, International Orange is best. Wear as much of it as you can when out.
If you can avoid walking in the woods in the early morning, that's good too.

Sorry, don't know what color your dog is, but get him an orange collar. You
should bee able to find one at any sporting goods store especially in
Michigan. <grin> 

Don't let him run loose in any wooded area, even just along a hiking trail
with you. DUH, Jenine. 

Orange is, if not a saving factor, at least some insurance. Neon green might
not hurt either. 

Have fun! 

 Jenine Stanley
jeninems at wowway.com

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