[nagdu] my hunting season experiences & some precautions
Bunny Davidson
bunnydavidson at live.com
Sun Nov 16 17:43:11 UTC 2008
HI everyone,
for tracy who is fearful of visiting sister during hunting season as dog may be in danger=
I have some lifelong experience in dealing with hunting season, coming from a rural hunting state.
Any propery that is NOT posted and NOT registered as posted with your state's fish and game is open for any liscenced hunter to hunt on.
the days of hunter stopping at house first to ask permission is long gone, at least that's my experience.
(here in vt its around 8. bucks to reg. land as posted to go one f&g dpts no hunting list, and is done at town clerks office then TC ships it to fish/game)
so if you want to be sure no one hunts on her land:
#1 have your sister go to her town clerk's office and get some "saftey zone" posters to put up
around her home perimiters. the land further out from house (not in saftey zone) gets NO TRESPASS posters, at required distanes from each other.
Here, by law hunters can not hunt within so many yards of a house, animal shelter (barn/shed et), fenced grazing areas or
garage-- but some hunters shoot first, look for houses, sheds, second and these signs properly displayed will help protect you.
then, pay the town clerk whatever fee is required to legally post your property (sis's property) NO TRESPASSING-NO HUNTING.
put up no trespass signs every so many feet around perimiter as designated by laws in her state.
if you put signs up and dont pay fee, your land will not be on the fish and games annual list of no trespass/no hunting properties that hunters are supposed
to view and respect prior to going out hunting. And if you dont pay the fee/register as no tresspass/no hunting land, you have little legal footing if you have voilations.
then, get your self/sister a copy of the fish and game booklet (every year new one is free) outlaying laws regarding hunting.
I took the hunter saftey course my state fish and game requires of all hunters (who were not grandfathered in from before they reqd. this to get hunt lisc.)
I learned alot about what the laws where, as well as some great gun saftey (books,lectures and hands on) I have yet to go huntig game in the many years since, but
the wealth of knowlege gained made it worth it...and the money to take class helps state protect our creatures and waters and lands from poachers and things like that.
if you /your sister have a shotgun, rifle or a handgun, keep it handy and near door ...if you see someone attemptiong to voilate your saftey zone, or no tresspass zone to hunt,
simply open your door, gun in hand and tell them they are not welcome to hunt on your land and you have posted land . <i did not say point gun at them>NOTE...
If anyone is then not willing to retreat to their car or wherever they came from
you just take their plate # & make of car info, call your state police &/or fish and game & report them.
A few years ago here a young idiot<neighbors HighSchool son> came well into my land thru woods behind my house, ignoring the dozens of No tresspass signs and legally registered no tresspass fee i paid, and when i yelled off my deck "please get off my land you are trespassing on posted land" he said "f___you " and shot off a couple shots in defiance. So to show him i was not tolerating disrespect,
I in turn shot to the side of him/over top of his head and he did take off. (i have woods and lots of land here). I have not had any problem since.
btw, if you are not a good marksman do not do as i did. i was raised in a hunting family , and was taught how to shoot from childhood, took marksmanship classes as a kid and am very confident of my aim. I also recomend red-orange reflective vests for you and your dog any time you go out walking during hunting season.
call fish and game or visit the website for fish game/state police in your area for additional info. An orange bandana can easily go around dogs neck, as daily wear until hunting season is over.
when walking off your sis's property add the vest to the attire.
well take what you like and leave the rest, what works for you in your state may vary, hope this helps.
You may ask your state police where you go for saftey zone posters
and to register your land as no trespass /hunting area..
as here in vermont we use town clerk,
where you live it may be another office who handles this stuff.
be safe, be pro-active.
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