[nagdu] Last year's FLAGDU convention

Jenine Stanley jeninems at wowway.com
Thu Nov 27 15:30:06 UTC 2008


The FLAGDU convention last year was not only my first NFB convention ever in
my life, but my first in my position on GDF's staff versus their board of
directors. Everyone was very welcoming and despite my poor dog's unease with
things, it was a great convention. My new dog takes conventions much more in
stride and you probably won't hear a peep from him. <grin> 

Who can beat summer in Florida anyway, right? It was 90 degrees with about
200% humidity when we landed in Jacksonville last May. I'd forgotten just
how humid it gets. For those who don't know, I lived in Orlando for 3 years
back in the early '90's. Great place to visit. Enough said there. <grin> And
it's not because Dan lives there either. Dan may be one of the brighter
spots there. 

 Jenine Stanley
jeninems at wowway.com

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