[nagdu] Weather in Morristown
Wayne Merritt
wcmerritt at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 13:48:19 UTC 2009
Paulene from The Seeing Eye has a chart that has the average weather
temps on it for many different times of the year. I know because I
called her last August to see what the temps were going to be while I
was there in class, and she read them off from her chart. Pretty nifty
to have such a thing. I guess many other people want to know the same
things, grin.
When I was at Seeing Eye for my first dog, I went from the end of May
through June. That weather was okay, but it did start to get rather
humid toward the end of my stay. For the last guide last year, I
really enjoyed the 60-76 degree temps in September. It did start to
warm up by the end of the time there, but "warm" to me is in the 85
degrees area. It started getting up there and the people at my table
during meals were complaining that it was getting hot. I finally said
something like, "Guys, you don't know what hot is. Come down to
Austin; that's hot, especially now in September. Heck, it doesn't cool
down till sometime in October even."
On 4/2/09, Garry and Joy Relton <relton30857 at cox.net> wrote:
> Tracy,
> I think that you right.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Tracy Carcione
> Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 7:57 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Weather in Morristown
> Nope--I grew up in Great Falls, and tomato planting day was Memorial Day.
> And it could sometimes snow in June. Montana is a beautiful place, with
> many fine qualities, but for me the weather is not one of them.
> I may be a few degrees high in my estimate of the temps in Morristown,
> though. I'm closer to the Big City, and the City warms up everything around
> it a bit. And even so, I may be scurrying out with my garden blanket a time
> or two. But I still don't expect it to drop below freezing at the end of
> April. Tracy
>> Yes, Tracy,
>> Folks in parts of Montana, Minnesota and my home Idaho, won't be
>> planting gardens until May and sometimes June.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf Of Tracy Carcione
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 2:08 PM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: [nagdu] Weather in Morristown
>> I think others have covered it pretty well. It's very mixed. It'll
>> probably rain. On the other hand, it's unlikely to snow at the end of
>> April, and it won't get real hot or real cold. Probably 40's at
>> night, and anything from 50 to 75 in the day. Nice, for Jersey.
>> Let's face it. If you want lovely weather most of the time, you've got
>> to go to San Rafael.
>> Jersey is either freezing cold, or boiling hot and humid, with a couple
>> months in between that are mixed. And precipitation could happen any
>> time.
>> Mind you, I really like living in Jersey, and I like the weather better
>> than
>> the weather in Montana or Minnesota, but I often feel sorry for guys in
>> class who have to be out in it no matter what. I'll be putting in my
>> garden
>> starting mid-April, so I'm betting on decent weather that won't clobber my
>> seedlings. It's a bet I haven't lost yet, knock wood. Tracy
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