[nagdu] NAGDU From the Braille monitor
Marion & Martin
swampfox1833 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 20 09:52:35 UTC 2009
Dear All,
The following is an excerpt from the April 2009 Braille Monitor regarding the meetings of the National Association of Guide Dog Users in Detroit, Mich. I hope to see many of you there!
Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
National Federation of the Blind
National Association of Guide Dog Users
by Marion Gwizdala
Are you a guide dog user or interested in issues of guide dog handling? Do you know what to do if you and your guide dog face an in-flight emergency? Would
you like to learn more about how to advocate for others who are discriminated against? Would you like the chance actually to work a guide dog? Then the
seminars of the National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU) are for you.
The recent crash of US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River has caused us to wonder, "What if I had been on that plane with my guide dog? What could
I have done?" These questions will be answered during our seminar. We are inviting officials from a major airline to join us at our seminar to discuss
emergency procedures for us and our guide dogs, such as what to do if the plane loses cabin pressure, how to use the emergency slide, and how to employ
flotation devices. We will also discuss the challenges we often face when traveling with our guide dogs in an effort to develop better communication with
airline personnel.
As a strong and proud division of the National Federation of the Blind, NAGDU is committed to the goals of the NFB, including the right of individuals to
choose the mobility tools that are best for them without facing discrimination. During the past year a number of guide dog users have been denied the right
to access restaurants, health care facilities, taxis, and other places of public accommodation. The Federation, through the National Association of Guide
Dog Users, has fought to protect the basic civil rights of these members. Though our adage is, "It is better to educate than to litigate," we are willing
to protect our civil rights by seeking the remedies available to us under state and federal laws. During our seminars members will hear about the cases
we have advocated for and the creative ways we have resolved them. In addition we will offer the opportunity to become a volunteer advocate for others
through a nationwide toll-free advocacy hotline.
The National Association of Guide Dog Users is establishing affiliate divisions throughout the country. As a grassroots organization we know that strong
local groups are essential for us to educate businesses, our legislators, law enforcement officials, and the general public. NAGDU has several strong affiliates
that are making incredible strides and achieving tremendous results. Their successes are energizing our organization, and we are realizing unprecedented
growth. We invite you to be a part of the most dynamic group of guide dog users in the United States.
As we have done for the past several years, we will invite guide dog schools to bring dogs to give Federationists the chance to work a guide dog. Following
the NAGDU meetings, guide dog trainers will offer anyone who would like to experience traveling with a guide dog the opportunity to take a harness in hand
and go for a walk. Whether you are considering a guide dog or just want to learn what it is like to work a dog, this will be your chance. Come and experience
the difference.
These are just a few examples of what NAGDU is offering during our national convention. Much more is in store for you at our seminars in Detroit. Our seminars
will be held on Friday, July 3 and Sunday, July 5. Registration begins each day at 6:00 p.m, and the seminars will be from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.
If you or someone you know wants more information about guide dog handling, advocacy assistance, or NAGDU, contact Marion Gwizdala, NAGDU president, at
NAGDU, National Federation of the Blind, 1003 Papaya Drive, Tampa, Florida 33619; (813) 626-2789; (800) 558-8261; <president at nfb-nagdu.org>.
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