[nagdu] Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Blindness*
Marion & Martin
swampfox1833 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 20 12:20:31 UTC 2009
* But Were Afraid to Ask!
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Have you ever closed your eyes to see what it's like to be blind? Are you curious about what sorts of jobs blind people have? Have you ever wondered why some blind people use dogs and others use white canes? Have you ever wanted to know how blind people cross the street? Would you like to learn more about Louie Braille and the Braille code blind people use to read? Than the National Federation of the blind has a website for you where you can get answers to these questions and more!
The National Federation of the Blind believes that the real problem faced by blind people is the lack of accurate information about blindness. Many people are afraid to offend a blind person by asking a question they feel might be "too personal". The truth is that we would rather you ask and get the right information than assume something that is not correct! This website provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about blindness. In addition, if your question is not answered, you can email your question to us for our answer. To learn more about blindness and the National Federation of the Blind, go to
and click on the link "Blindness Q&A". The website also has links to courtesy rules about blindness, as well as a multimedia channel with audio and video links.
The National Federation of the Blind is committed to providing accurate information about blindness and provides entertaining, dynamic speakers for groups of all ages and size free of charge. We also provide support and advocacy for those who are visually impaired or losing their eyesight. For more information about the National Federation of the blind, please get in touch with us through our website or call us at 813-626-2789. The National Federation of the blind is a non-profit corporation and all gifts are tax-deductible as a charitable contribution. Donations may be made on-line by clicking on the "Make a Gift" link or sending a check or money order to
East Hillsborough Chapter
National Federation of the blind
1008 Papaya Drive
Tampa, FL 33619!
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