[nagdu] Experiences With Air Charter Companies

Peter Donahue pdonahue1 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 15 06:45:32 UTC 2009

Hello everyone,

    The state of commercial airtravel these days plus some recent airline 
experiences Mary and I had particularly during our travel to Detroit this 
year has us seriously researching the possibility of flying via air charter 
in the future. No folks we're not out of our minds. By the time the airlines 
nickel and dime you to deth for everything from charges for baggage to 
requiring large passengers to purchass a second seat, (Something that 
recently happened to me courtesy of Southwest Airlines) there comes a time 
when one needs to research a viable alternative. By the time our airlines 
empty out your pockets and dole out substandard service perhaps using an air 
charter should be given serious consideration.

    I recently heard from two state affiliate presidents that are also 
exploring using air charter services to provide transportation for their 
members to attend up-coming national conventions. The logic goes that if a 
group  of individuals agree to leave and return on the same flight they 
could share the cost of chartering the plane and would receive superior 
service to that offered by commercial airlines. We were surprised to 
discover that the cost for chartering a plane is coming down in to the 
ranges that would permit the average traveler to use one of these services. 
Much depends on the flight duration in-flight services and ground 
transportation if one chooses to book it through the air charter company, 
the aircraft type, and the size of the group traveling. We discovered that 
savvy vacationers as well as business executives are increasingly turning to 
air charters as an alternative to commercial airtravel.

    Another significant to using one of these services is that they can pick 
you up and deliver you to far more airports than do commercial air carriers. 
For the sake of this discussion we have two airports in San Antonio. San 
Antonio International (SAI) is our main airport and handles commercial air 
traffic in addition to chartered flights. Since we live about five minutes 
from SAI it is our airport of choice.

    Stinson Field is San Antonio's "Reliever airport." It is used during 
flight diversions from SAI, and is used by air cargo and private charter 
companies. If we lived near Stinson Field provided we used an air charter we 
could leave from and return to Stinson Field rather than SAI saving us time 
and money. This fact alone makes a strong case for the charter alternative 
to commercial airtravel particularly if you're a business person and need to 
get somewhere fast!

    This now brings us to our

    1. Have any of you used an air charter service?
2. What was the experience like?
3. How did the company treat you as blind individuals?
4. For folks on the NAGDU List did you have to address any guide dog-related 
concerns with these companies?

    We'll await news of your experiences and thoughts on the subject of air 
charters. All the best for a great weekend.

Peter and Mary Donahue

 "Will you come and awake our lost land from its slumber
      And her fetters we'll break, links that long are encumbered.
      And the air will resound with hosannas to greet you
      On the shore will be found gallant Irishmen to greet you."
Will You Come to the Bower
Traditional Irish Folk Song

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