[nagdu] practice dogs
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Thu Dec 3 13:14:39 UTC 2009
Hi Angie.
Yeah, I'd like to have known our practice dogs' names, too. I gues some
TSE trainers do tell, but ours was really in to that TSE confidentiality
thing. Seems very peculiar with practice dogs, but whatever.
One of my classmates, but in another group, I think met a practice dog she
thought was wonderful, and she got him! But it turned out he was a
madman, totally wild. She had to have a dog change most of the way
through class. He just wasn't working out.
I do know the name of the giant shepherd I had as a practice dog, because
I'd met him before. He was staying in the house, because the kennel was
just too stressful for his sensitive shepherd self. I still wonder if he
went out as a guide. His name is Gunther. Nice dog! But way too big for
> Hey Tracy,
> GDB was using practice dogs when I got Glazie in 2001. I remember this
> one
> really cute yellow Lab named Liz. I kind of hoped I'd get that dog--she
> was
> alert and inquisitive but obedient. Of course I got my Glaze, who I would
> say is just a bit harder than that dog was, and I wouldn't have it any
> other
> way. I heard that Liz was career-changed for allergies, but I still think
> about her from time to time.
> I wish Seeing Eye would tell us the names of practice dogs when we work
> with
> them. I especially remember the male GSD for our group. He wasn't really
> sure this was a good idea. :)
> Angie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tracy Carcione" <carcione at access.net>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 2:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] The new GDB.
> That's interesting that GDB is using "practice dogs", as TSE calls them.
> I remember my practice dogs. One was a giant German shepherd, but as
> mellow and sweet as pie. Another was a very dainty golden girl. And the
> last was a big floloppy golden/lab cross who rolled over on his back and
> gave me his paw. "I'm so cute! Don't you want to keep me? You can't make
> me go back to the kennel!"
> None of them at all like my Benny boy, who, Goddess help me, is just what
> I asked for. <smile> But I wouldn't trade my Bubba. He's sweet too, in his
> very guy way.
> Tracy
>> Tracey,
>> Hi, of course I remember the day I got Pascal! I did forget to mention
>> that in my long message though. I arrived to class on Monday afternoon,
>> and I got my dog on Thursday afternoon. It was the longest 3 days of my
>> life! For those first few days without the dog we did a lot of Juno work
>> and even worked with some dogs currently in training. We just had the
>> training dogs do obedience and heel. They gave me one built like a
>> horse,
>> he pulled like crazy, and did not listen well. Thank God the dog they
>> gave
>> me for my guide was so much better. Hope this helps.
>> Deanna and Pascal
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