[nagdu] Jury finds IA Dept. for Blind's guide dog policydoesnot discriminate
Angie Matney
angie.matney at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 15:49:05 UTC 2009
Hi Meghan, Lisa, and all:
Meghan, if the program was a cane-only program and didn'toffer any other training, I'd agree with you. But we all know that O&A training is not just like guide dog school with a substitution of a cane for a dog. I don't think you can draw an analogy between going to, say, Seeing Eye and demanding to use your cane the entire time (which, I agree, would be ludicrous), and wanting to incorporate your primary mobility aid into your orientation training at a center that provides training in many alternative skills.
Angie with Yani
-original message-
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Jury finds IA Dept. for Blind's guide dog policydoesnot discriminate
From: "Lisa" <lison1273 at live.com>
Date: 02/20/2009 10:08 AM
Meghan I would have to totally agree with you. I went to the Colorado
Center for the Blind in 2000 and there were students there that had dogs and
they could use them for most everything with the exception of the mobility
From: "Meghan Whalen" <meghan at n-republic.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 8:05 PM
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Jury finds IA Dept. for Blind's guide dog policydoesnot
> I believe they are correct. It would be ludicrice to go to train with a
> dog guide and demand to use your cane the entire time. If a program
> states they offer white cane training, you are going to white cane
> training, not dog guide training. This of course, is just my opinion on
> the matter. This has been rehashed countless times, and as long as it all
> remains civil, it can be rehashed again.
> Meghan with Kirby
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