[nagdu] Service animals and disability

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 23:59:03 UTC 2009

Hi every one,    I read the article on the service animals and I think the
key is the disability. It is only my opinion that psyc. animals and therapy
or comfort animals should be called something else other than service
animals. What that terminology should be, well I am no sure.I am sure that
some one will come up with a terminology and regulations that are suitable.
There are many types of disabilities and they  do not all have the same
limitations . Some are more limiting than others. I think this should be
taken into consideration. I can not call my dog a "seeing eye dog" even
though, she guides me with her eyes. She is a guide dog. She does the same
thing that a "seeing eye dog " does, But again it is terminology.  Both dogs
are service dogs because of the training that they have had and the tasks
they do. It is harder to invision the tasks of a dog  or other animal if it
is mitigating the problems of a hidden disability. Classify the disability
first, and then classify the animal. I have several disabilities, and in
fact have a seizure alert dog. This is clasified as a hidden disability as
it is not apperent untill I have a seizure. It is also not a constant
limitation. It is sporatic. That is the nature of seizures. I have a spinal
problem and I had a mobility service dog for that. I was also visually
impaired at that time,but could still see well enough that I did not need a
guide dog. When I became legally blind,and suddenly needed a guide dog, I
simply had the mobility dog trained to guide me.  Since then I have Trained
my guide dogs with the help of a trainer ,just for guide work. Although I
would not mind a dog that could retrieve, Mine do not seem to want to do it
so, I decided that I needed a guide dog more than any thing else and did not
force them to retrieve.  I am more limited by my sight loss than any other
disability. When receiving Social security disability, They use the most
disableing condition to base there reason for allowing a person to collect.
Maybe this is a good way to have the DOJ interpert a service animal.By the
seriousness of the disability,to the kind of help an animal is trained to
give to the disabled person. JMO.Have a great day    Mardi

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