[nagdu] guide dogs and loud music
Hope Paulos
hope.paulos at maine.edu
Mon Jan 5 00:52:05 UTC 2009
Hi Rusty. I play in a band as well (bassggb have not taken my
dog to gigs. I've played with others at home with loud music and
she's fine. I've taken her to listen to gigs and she howls up a
storm. How can I expose her? How can I make her generalize? If
the dog's on stage I'd definitely get her ear protection. After
playing my ears are ringing. I can't imagine how the dog's ears
feel. Also, what breed of dog is your guide? Just curious.
Hope and Beignet, the german shepherd music critç.
> ----- Original Message -----
>From: "Rusty Perez" <rustys.lists at gmail.com
>To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>Date sent: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 11:20:08 -0700
>Subject: [nagdu] guide dogs and loud music
>Hi folks,
>Each time I get a new dog one of the first things I ask for is a
>that won't be bothered by loud music because I play in a couple
>different bands.
>My first dog didn't have any problems at all. Often she'd doze
off on
>stage. She would generally relax or sleep while we were at
>By contrast, she was very afraid of fireworks. I haven't noticed
>apreciabl problems with her hearing and she's twelve now.
>My current dog is a pro. When we're on stage she'll relax.
>attentive, calm, and is ready to work when we're done.
>However, she's not as comfortable around loud music when not in
>harness. This could possibly be because she gets bored easily
and so
>sitting and listening, even at movies is boaring for her
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