[nagdu] Fw: Breaking News About DOJ Changes
lindagwizdak at peoplepc.com
lindagwizdak at peoplepc.com
Sat Jan 10 00:41:42 UTC 2009
Sarah, how do your alert cats feel about being out in public? I grew up
with cats and know that many do great at home but HATE TO GO ANYWHERE! My
mother had a Siamese cat who LOVED to travel. That cat has been to most of
the states in the Lower 48. She'd see a suitcase being packed and she'd run
out to the open motorhome like,"Hurry up! I'm waiting!!" That same cat
loved to ride on the dashboard in a car while traveling or in my Mom's lap.
Some cats do well in an office and traveling on the bus in a carrier. I'd
think you'd have to start them as tiny kittens - just like my Mom's cat did.
I do hope the DOJ will consider letting well behaved and socialized animals
besides dogs be covered by the ADA.
Hey, didn't you go to The Seeing Eye in the September 1999 class? There was
a Sarah Blake in that class. I had gotten a male yellow Lab named Jacob in
that class. Just curious if you are the same person.
Linda and Landon
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sarah and Loretta" <thedogsmom at growingstrong.org>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fw: Breaking News About DOJ Changes
> Angie,
> The problem with the new propoosed rules is that what my cats do at home
> could conceivably be done in certain public settings, and if my medical
> situation was less controlled and the cat's alert behavior could allow me
> to maintain stability, I would not hesitate to take one to an office where
> I worked. Since my cat's alert behaviors allow me to medicate ahead of
> asthma attacks and seizures, it could conceivably make the difference in
> my being able to stay at the office and work through the day as opposed to
> going home with the consequences of untreated symptoms.
> Dogs can be trained to do these same behaviors; but it would be ridiculous
> to go through another process when I already have cats who do it.
> Well-kept cats can also live and maintain health for as long as 18-20
> years. One of my alerters has been doing her stuff since 1997 and is still
> perfectly healthy.
> Sarah J. Blake
> http://www.growingstrong.org
> sjblake at growingstrong.org
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