[nagdu] Enforcement

Julie J. jlcrane at alltel.net
Thu Jan 22 00:51:17 UTC 2009


First let me preface my statements by saying that I am not a lawyer.  I 
could totally be off here, but I don't think you have a case because you 
didn't go in to the restaurant.  They did change their mind and say that you 
could come in and eat and you chose not to.  I interpret that as no denial 
of services.

Hopefully I am wrong in this.  There are others on this list more 
knowledgeable than me.  I hope one of them can offer you a different 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Davidson" <fuzzy_1 at cox.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Enforcement

>I went up to the door with my guide dog and my mom. I was met outside by an 
>employee that stated I could not bring the dog into the restraint. I then 
>asked to talk to the manager and he told me the same thing. I informed him 
>about the law and he said he didn't care I wasn't bringing the dog in. When 
>I asked him to call police he refused and I would call them for him. He 
>then stated that I was welcome to come in with the dog but I refused 
>because You never know what someone will do to your food out of spite or 
>meanness. I also had  and showed him my ada book with the laws for Kansas 
>marked for quick reference. I did also inform him and the employee that I 
>was blind and this is a service dog. The man that claimed to be the manager 
>at that time was not the same one that claimed to be the manager at the 
>mediation meeting. I am real good at telling the difference in voices and 
>how people talk. The manager at the mediation meeting claimed to be out of 
>town and said they had trouble with someone bringing a non service dog into 
>the restraunt that growled at some customers and so when he left town he 
>said no more dogs and his employees took it the wrong way meaning all dogs 
>even service dogs. The law does state that if the dog is determined to be a 
>problem they can ask you to remove them but they better have good proof. I 
>always carry my soft muzzle issued by Guiding eyes just in case someone is 
>nervous and ask me to put it on. My dog Lou is a 75 lb black lab that lets 
>a 20lb Boston terrier take food right out of his mouth. We all know how 
>gentle these dogs are and when he is in a restraint they usually don't even 
>know he is there.
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