[nagdu] Allergies, etc.
Julie J.
jlcrane at alltel.net
Tue Mar 3 00:29:39 UTC 2009
Just a FYI, blind diabetics do fill their own syringes or at least the ones
I know do. *smile*
So blind people can fill syringes. It's just a matter of getting the right
measuring gadget and learning how. I have no idea how expensive the
equipment is, so the vet filling syringes might be a better option for short
duration injectable medications.
----- Original Message -----
From: <lindagwizdak at peoplepc.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Allergies, etc.
> Hi Angie,
> Wow! Your dog is now the third one I know of who is allergic to human
> dander! That is the problem with my friend's dog, Muriel. My friend has
> the animal demotologist fill the syringes with the stuff to be injected.
> Muriel has to be injected every five days. My friend is totally blind and
> so is her husband. The vet taught her how to inject the dog. Muriel
> comes running for her injection because she knows there's a treat
> afterwards.
> Muriel has allergies to cigarette smoke in addition to her human dander
> allergies. She is almost 11 now and has been a very good worker and has
> worked well for way more years than I thought she would. Lots of times
> the allergies grow worse as the dog ages. Muriel is now going to retire
> and go live with her puppy raiser who lives locally - she's earned a great
> retirement! (grin!) The allergies might abate somewhat because of the
> lack of constant exposure to humans as she has as a working guide. In
> retirement, her system will acclimate to the family's particular dander.
> I also know a totally blind woman who gives injections of insulin to her
> diabetic cat. So, it can be done with little problem. Just as long as
> you have the vet fill the syringes for you if you don't have a sighted
> person handy when you need to fill a syringe.
> Cheers and hope Yani's allergies aren't too bad. I hope Seeing Eye is
> keeping an eye on the breeding of Yani's bloodline.
> Linda and Landon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Angie Matney" <leadinglabbie at mpmail.net>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 6:55 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] Allergies, etc.
>> Hi Linda,
>> I was looking at this message again, and I had a question. Does your
>> friend inject the dog herself, or does she go to a vet for it? I have to
>> do this for Yani. I am giving her the injections, but I haven't found an
>> accessible way to draw the shots. I
>> actually have some good ideas--I just haven't tried any of them yet. Lots
>> o' stuff going On with school and things.
>> Anyway, Yani needs shots because she's allergic to *humans,* among other
>> things. But they have turned her into a completely different dog. It's
>> been so wonderful to see her so much healthier.
>> Angie
>> Wed, 25 Feb 2009 16:25:10 -0800, lindagwizdak at peoplepc.com wrote:
>>>Hi Angie,
>>>I know that "ownership" takes different forms depending on the school you
>>>attend. I am also a Seeing Eye grad.
>>>I do have alot of friends who have dogs from Guide Dogs for the Blind
>>>in California. Many don't choose the ownership because they get some
>>>"goodies" by leaving the ownership with the school. Many low-income
>>>use the option of having the school retain ownership because the graduate
>>>will get $200.00 towards vet care. I know someone whose dog has severe
>>>allergies and must see a specialty vet for this. She has to inject her
>>>with a serum for the allergies every five days. The school also pays
>>>care in full. If my friend opted for ownership, she wouldn't get this
>>>she would have had to give up the dog a long time ago. With many of the
>>>schools, ownership isn't the same as ownership is from Seeing Eye. You
>>>still have to abide by a contract and send in yearly vet reports -
>>>as far as I am concerned.
>>>I do not know of any school that gives total ownership like Seeing Eye
>>>On the flip side of that, if I had to give my dog allergy shots like my
>>>friend, I would have to assume all costs myself. I would have to return
>>>dog because I can't afford that. I can afford the normal vet care.
>>>Linda and Landon
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Angie Matney" <angie.matney at gmail.com>
>>>To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>><nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 7:51 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [nagdu] O&M, Ownership, & Leader
>>>> Hi Rebecca,
>>>> Iwas wondering the same thing. I would also be interested to know how
>>>> the
>>>> options are described to grads. (I'm asking out of curiosity, not
>>>> criticism.)
>>>> At The Seeing Eye, we are given a bill of sale as proof of ownership.
>>>> Kinda cool.
>>>> Angie
>>>> -original message-
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] O&M, Ownership, & Leader
>>>> From: "Pickrell, Rebecca M (IT)" <REBECCA.PICKRELL at ngc.com>
>>>> Date: 02/24/2009 10:46 AM
>>>> Can other GDF grads weigh in on why someone wouldn't take ownership?
>>>> What are the pros and cons for taking ownership.
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