[nagdu] Guide Dogs UK
Sean Moore
ginsenshi at mchsi.com
Sun Mar 22 01:50:07 UTC 2009
Something I found out of bordom
Ground breaking assistance dog to guide blind wheelchair user
13 March 2009
Young and registered blind, electric-wheelchair user Stephanie Read has had her life completely transformed by the UK's first ever dual-purpose Guide Dog and Canine Partner, trained to guide a wheelchair user.
Miracle dog Vegas is the only registered assistance dog to perform the dual roles of guiding a blind person and helping a wheelchair user; trained in a ground-breaking project between the charities Guide Dogs and Canine Partners.
Stephanie (26), from Torquay in Devon, was a prisoner in her own home, lacking confidence and isolated from the outside world until the arrival of Vegas - a five-year-old black Labrador.
Stephanie has Macular Hyperplasia, meaning she only has a very small amount of vision. She also has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects her joints and organs; she has been a wheelchair user for the past 10 years.
Requiring help to get dressed and carry out the most basic domestic tasks - from answering the phone to picking up a book or newspaper - Stephanie has previously relied almost entirely upon a carer, sometimes waiting many hours for assistance to arrive.
Now, with Vegas by her side, Stephanie is able to carry out the simple daily tasks that are usually taken so much for granted, putting on her own clothes, using the washing machine, taking money out of a cash point, picking up the telephone, answering the door, and being able to decide what time to turn into bed without having to rely on when a helper is available.
Vegas also provides Stephanie with the freedom and confidence to leave her home when she wants, without needing to wait for a friend or helper to escort her. They enjoy regular outings around Torquay and when at busy roads crossings, Vegas even reaches up and presses the pelican crossing button with her paw.
Vegas was initially trained by Canine Partners and began working with Stephanie in March 2006. The guide dog training took place earlier this year, with Vegas recently qualifying as the first dual-purpose assistance dog to guide a visually impaired person in an electric-wheelchair.
David Bailey, Guide Dogs' district team manager explains: "Vegas has an extra long harness handle, allowing her to walk safely in front of Stephanie's wheelchair. As with other guide dog owners, Stephanie recognises if she should stop, or move to the left or right, by sensing the movement in the handle."
Andy Cook, director of operations at Canine Partners comments: "Stephanie is now leading a truly independent life. She has confidence to go shopping, meet friends and get out on her own. Although this is a pilot project, we hope there will be further examples of dual trained assistance dogs benefiting visually impaired wheelchair users in the future. It goes to show what is possible when two charities work closely together."
Stephanie, who has always been a tidy person, now has a spotless home, thanks to Vegas. She explains: "Anything left on the floor is picked up by Vegas, regardless of whether it needs to be moved or not! Even my cat, Mimmy, counts as clutter; Vegas rushes to nudge the front door shut before she can dash inside the house!"
The bond between Stephanie and Vegas is extraordinary. When she recently fell out of her wheelchair, it took an hour for help to arrive. In the meantime, as the rain poured down, loyal Vegas remained next to Stephanie, providing comfort and reassurance.
"She's transformed my freedom, mobility and independence," says Stephanie. "Vegas is a super dog - and I'm so grateful to Canine Partners and Guide Dogs for this miracle."
Sean Moore &
Southeastern Guide Dog, Franklin
Contact information
Home: (404) 300-9908
Mobile: (478) 258-4103
Email: linkstarwind at cox.net, ginsenshi at mchsi.com
Website: http://www.baltox1.bravehost.com
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