[nagdu] vet reports/was/Re: TSE and Guiding Eyes comparison
Marion & Martin
swampfox1833 at verizon.net
Sun May 17 17:11:57 UTC 2009
Any such information that is asked for on a voluntary basis would not be
considered either custodial or paternalistic, provided it was truly
voluntary and there were no repurcussions for not complying. For instance,
using my analogy of a car dealership, if Ford required that you submit
maintenance records as a condition of using a vehicle for which you paid and
owned as a condition of possession, no consumer in their right mind would
buy a Ford!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jenine Stanley" <jeninems at wowway.com>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] vet reports/was/Re: TSE and Guiding Eyes comparison
> Marion,
> Just a question, not a challenge. Do you consider being asked, not
> required
> but asked, to submit health reports periodically a custodial or
> paternalistic policy? Would it be considered such if the submission was
> accompanied by an incentive such as discounts on flea and tick prevention
> products, heartworm pills, etc.?
> Currently, this is GDF's policy, to request yearly health records. We give
> each graduate a booklet to take to their vet. Each vet visit can be logged
> and a copy sent to us. This, as Laurie noted, helps us track trends after
> the dog has gone into the field.
> We are considering how we might collect this data more efficiently for 2
> reasons.
> 1. People forget to send in their health records. It's just a fact, not a
> judgment or condemnation. We would like to have those records in order to
> improve our breeding program.
> 2. We would like to find a way that people can more easily submit the
> info,
> i.e., electronically directly through your vet, etc. Right now you must
> remember to take out one of the copies of the report, put it into an
> envelop
> or fax it to us. Some people simply don't have access to sighted help for
> such things if needed. Like it or not, it's a fact of life for folks.
> So, whether a school chooses to track dog health isn't anything more than
> a
> measure of what it does overall to serve not only its grads but itself.
> Just my thoughts of course as part of the team working on how to improve
> our
> system at GDF.
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