[nagdu] working with local health departments
Peter Donahue
pdonahue1 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 23 00:54:42 UTC 2009
Hello Jenine and listers,
And herein lies the problem. More often than not ACB people ask what NFB
is doing about this, that, or the other without capitulation. This is why I
asked about What GDUI was doing with this issue only to receive answers like
"I don't know", or"since
my employment with X guide dog program or some other agency for the blind ,
I have chosen to remain on the fringes of GDUI." This has happened over and
over again. ACB people ask us what NFB is doing about this or that issue but
when pressed to do likewise the answers never come. As for me and my house
we're federationists through and through; and this despite things that
happened in my life a few years back but are now nothing but pages in a
history book praise God!
Peter Donahue
There comes a time when enough is enough!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jenine Stanley" <jeninems at wowway.com>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] working with local health departments
I've asked them as well.
Just as an FYI, and not that I took your question as some sort of jab, since
my employment with GDF, I have chosen to remain on the fringes of GDUI. I
serve on one committee, but that's all.
There are many people who are members of both groups and frankly, an effort
like contacting health departments to make sure they are educating
businesses is pretty universal. It's something both organizations, NAGDU and
GDUI, can do if not together, certainly at the same time.
Jenine Stanley
jeninems at wowway.com
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