[nagdu] playing tug was ranting handling skills?

Julie J julielj at windstream.net
Tue Aug 3 18:06:08 UTC 2010


I can't play tug with a dog that shakes the toy back and forth either.  It 
hurts my hand and wrist pretty badly.

I do a couple of things.  I encourage the dog to tug in ways that don't hurt 
my hand.  I simply let go if the tugging is painful.  I do not subscribe to 
the belief that letting a dog win at tug will unbalance our partnership.

Also I have found that a rope tug with some space between the dog's muzzle 
and my hand seriously decreases the force of the shaking motion.  The rope 
will move all over the place, but my hand doesn't absorb very much of the 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lora" <blindhistory at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] ranting handling skills?

> Ya I know there are different growls. I wan't sure if it was a play
> growl or not. He's never growled in harness. Out of harness when we
> play tug of war he sounds like the most vicious dog in the world. Do
> you think I am incorrect in not letting my dog shake it's head back
> and forth like left to right when we play tug of war because it  hurts
> my head when he hits me with his toy. I let him go forwards and
> backwards. O/T I know.
> On 8/2/10, Dan Weiner <dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net> wrote:
>> Time to rant for me--smile.
>> I'm first of all very sorry you had those experiences.
>> I've been having more experiences of this type in the last two years than 
>> I
>> had in all fifteen of the previous years.
>> People leaving their dogs to run loose--something not safe for me or for 
>> the
>> dogs--people not caring to put leashes on dogs or not control them.
>> I mind my own business walking on a sidewalk or street and they, the
>> collective they referring to these owners, feel no responsibility.
>> I suppose it's due to my hearing problem in the left ear, I don't know, 
>> but
>> I never or almost never hear the tags jingling.
>> It is totally sudden and unexpected for me and at first scared the living
>> you know what out of me.
>> The only way I can tell usually is by my dog's behavior.
>> So, Julie  and friends, should I start calling Animal Control on all 
>> these
>> people? I mean, I'd rather they just make even some elementary effort and
>> not have to argue--smile.
>> I've had discussions with the three or four responsible people in my
>> neighborhood who seem to feel I'm being unreasonable by asking them to
>> control their dogs, if nothing else, when I'm passing.
>> Example, a guy who sits outside and smokes with his pit bulls. 
>> Fortunately,
>> the dogs seem to have a good temperament and are more friendly than
>> anything, but they run right out at me.
>> 2. The older guy babysitting his daughter's dogs who sits outside with 
>> the
>> dogs not leashed.
>> 3. The idiot with a bull dog, this one aggressive, who lets his dog roam
>> around and lies when I ask him if it's his dog.
>> Lies because I know several sighted people who have identified him as the
>> owner.
>> Dan W.
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> -- 
> Lora
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