[nagdu] Did anyone watch the home makeover show yesterday.thefamily has a guide dog and are diabetics, but they didn't go into any of that at all.
bewitched56 at comcast.net
Thu Dec 9 19:23:53 UTC 2010
Hi Cheryl,
I didn't see the program, but a friend of mine did and had some positive
things to say. Mainly that there were a lot of issues that could be nit
picked to death, but that overall they did a good job. What I was concerned
about, as you alluded to, was the fact that they didn't contact Blind
Services or the NFB for guidance. I heard that the woman has burns on her
arms. This could be due to the stove she was using. I had services and
training to cook and handle the stove. I burned myself more when I was
sighted than I do now, lol. I was disturbed to hear about their guide dog's
behavior, but wonder if it was simply that there were a lot of people
around and they didn't want to correct the dog in front of them, something I
did when I first got my dog. Now I correct immediately, and could care less
how people respond to it. I am going to try to access the website and make
contact, and will let you know if I get a reply. Also, I commend this couple
for trying to help other disabled individuals in their community, despite
the difficulties they are facing. I need to begin doing this. I have had
people with relatives and friends approach me in stores, and I always refer
them to services and both the NFB and the ACB, but I should be doing more. A
good reminder. Bobbie
----- Original Message -----
From: "cheryl echevarria" <cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Did anyone watch the home makeover show
yesterday.thefamily has a guide dog and are diabetics,but they didn't go
into any of that at all.
> Lyn coming from someone who lost her vision at 35 and now I am 43, I had
> to learn, but I also had help with the NFB, DAN (Diabetic Action Network),
> NAGDU, etc. As well as great support at home.
> There mortgage was paid off, so like myself who has to pay taxes and some
> of the highest in the country next to New Jersey, which I live in NY. I
> believe that they can afford them or they wouldn't be living there in the
> first place.
> We pay here on Long Island almost $6000.00 a year in taxes and mind you as
> soon as Nelson retires we are out of here.
> But getting back to the show at hand. I got the original information from
> a friend who said the dog is from GEB.
> I don't like the fact then when they are looking for stuff for a family,
> they will focus on if they were a firefighter and go to the station or
> schools, or even other places like the Cavaliers Basketball Team, instead
> of focusing on the sons hearing disability or even going to even a local
> state run Blind Training Facility in Ohio. Or go to the local NFB in Ohio
> to help.
> No they didn't
> And the guy who has the dog, the Father's name is Andre he didn't correct
> the dog, and just let him keep digging.
> The biggest compliment you can pay me is to recommend my services!
> Cheryl Echevarria
> http://Echevarriatravel.com<http://echevarriatravel.com/>
> 1-866-580-5574
> Reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:Reservations at echevarriatravel.com>
> Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel
> CST-1018299-10
> Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Absolute Cruise and Travel
> Inc.
> join my yahoogroup
> echevarriatravel-subscribe at yahoogroups.com<mailto:echevarriatravel-subscribe at yahoogroups.com>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Lyn Gwizdak<mailto:linda.gwizdak at cox.net>
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
> Users<mailto:nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 12:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Did anyone watch the home makeover show yesterday.
> thefamily has a guide dog and are diabetics,but they didn't go into any of
> that at all.
> Hi Cheryl,
> I watched the Home Makeover on ABC last Sunday night.
> I had the same questions myself. The couple appeared to lack real
> blindness
> skills and the ability to navigate their own home for hazards like the
> cabinets and microwave sticking out. I did wonder about the dog with its
> digging a hole in the dirt while in harness. I saw the harness but
> couldn't
> decern the school. It had no martingale on it so it wasn't a Seeing Eye
> dog.
> The house they were in really was a VERY substandard home that Section 8
> would NEVER approve it one of their participants wanted to rent it. The
> bathroom sink falling off the wall! Wow! The toilet coming up off the
> floor. I wonder how on earth did the state ever license the couple to
> run
> an agency for the disabled with a building in that condition???
> I'm glad they got the new home, but I wonder if the couple will soon have
> to
> be forclosed on and lose it because of the new rate of taxes on it? It
> looked like a huge mansion after ABC Home Makeover rebuilt it from
> scratch -
> you know with the much increased square footage and all.
> I think unfortunately, most blind people - especially the older new
> blind -
> have few real skills like the younger folks who have been blind longer or
> who have gone to a place like the NFB centers shortly after becoming
> blind.
> It is still pretty real that most sighted folks still love to pity us and
> any other disabled person. This attitude fuels the continuing
> discrimination we get. It sucks.
> These kinds of shows just reinforce this lousey attitude and it makes
> money
> for the corporations - not us!
> Lyn and Landon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brenda" <bjnite at windstream.net<mailto:bjnite at windstream.net>>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org<mailto:nagdu at nfbnet.org>>
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 8:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Did anyone watch the home makeover show yesterday.
> the
> family has a guide dog and are diabetics, but they didn't go into any of
> that at all.
> > Did the family actually have a guide dog? They showed the dog but not
> > much else and never even showed his harness and never even showed the
> > parents walking down the street independently to try the traffic light.
> > (They showed the traffic light, but just let the family hear it over
> the
> > phone.)
> >
> > On 12/6/2010 11:50 AM, cheryl echevarria wrote:
> >> Good morning all:
> >>
> >> This was the second time that ABC Extreme Home Make Over did a home
> make
> >> over for a blind family.
> >>
> >> The got some stuff right, but again I have some questions, some about
> the
> >> family, and some about what ABC did?
> >>
> >> Question about the Anderson family. Now these are questions I may
> right
> >> to the show about, but mostly they are pondering in my head to share
> with
> >> all.
> >>
> >> The Anderson Family
> >>
> >> 1. They are from what I understand and family who gives support to
> other
> >> people with disabilities. One of my questions is are they members of
> >> either the NFB or another organization, trained in all of this from
> being
> >> in the field, or just decided to do it all by themselves.
> >>
> >> 2. They never went into there diabetes, since both of them are
> diabetic,
> >> like do they use anything like the prodigy voice or the solo meter to
> >> test the blood, the team never asked that either.
> >>
> >> 3. The husband has a guide dog, but at one point when they were
> talking
> >> to the family, my husband said that the dog was in harness and digging
> a
> >> whole in the ground. WHAT is that about?
> >>
> >> 4. If they are having problems with the traffic lights, then why
> didn't
> >> they just contact the town or the legislative body in there area and
> get
> >> it fixed. If they are a company or business out there helping other
> >> blind and disabled people shouldn't they be doing this for themselves
> >> first before helping others to do it.
> >>
> >> ABC: This the 2nd time in 8 Seasons that they have focused or help
> and
> >> blind family, and still haven't gotten it correctly.
> >>
> >> 1. The technology. They didn't say where they got the technology,
> the
> >> didn't go to NFB or the other organization for advice, they just went
> to
> >> the technology stores that have technology for the blind.
> >>
> >> 2. And Electric Cane, now come on, do we if we were taught properly to
> >> use our canes, do we need a cane that vibrates when we are near
> >> something. They are diabetic, they can have neuropathy and not be able
> to
> >> tell if they are vibrating, etc.
> >>
> >> 3. The stove they got, yes she got burned many times, again diabetic,
> >> they got them the counter tops and wall oven, but they didn't label it
> or
> >> at least put raised dots on the stove/oven.
> >>
> >>
> >> To many other issues there.
> >>
> >> I don't know if the NFB members ever wrote the first time to ABC and
> got
> >> responses on these issues.
> >>
> >> But I plan on starting a writing campaign. Let me know if you are
> >> interested.
> >> The biggest compliment you can pay me is to recommend my services!
> >>
> >> Cheryl Echevarria
> >>
> http://Echevarriatravel.com<http://echevarriatravel.com/<http://echevarriatravel.com%3chttp//echevarriatravel.com/>>
> >> 1-866-580-5574
> >>
> Reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:Reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:Reservations at echevarriatravel.com%3Cmailto:Reservations at echevarriatravel.com>>
> >>
> >> Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel
> >> CST-1018299-10
> >> Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Absolute Cruise and
> Travel
> >> Inc.
> >>
> >> join my yahoogroup
> >>
> echevarriatravel-subscribe at yahoogroups.com<mailto:echevarriatravel-subscribe at yahoogroups.com<mailto:echevarriatravel-subscribe at yahoogroups.com%3Cmailto:echevarriatravel-subscribe at yahoogroups.com>>
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