[nagdu] contact with puppy raisers/walkers

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Tue Dec 14 22:51:26 UTC 2010

Peter, how do  you know that the schools who do permit contact all of the 
schools do everything they can to not allow exploitation on either side.

I do not feel that I'm treated like a child because I do not have contact 
with the puppy raisers other than coorespondence.

Margo and Arrow
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Donahue" <pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] contact with puppy raisers/walkers

> Good afternoon everyone,
>    Yet every other guide dog school does permit some kind of puppy
> raiser-guide dog handler communication. Undoubtedly things like what you
> described happen and get worked out. If the other schools can work through
> these situations so can SE.
>    Now before you tell me or anyone on this list that if they don't like
> SE's policy concerning puppy raiser contact any guide dog program I would
> choose to attend must meet the following criteria. It must:
> 1. Give its graduates full ownership of its dogs upon graduation;
> 2. It must permit direct contact between graduates and puppy raisers
> desiring such contact;
> 3. Students in training must be permitted to work their dogs off of the
> school grounds unaccompanied prior to graduation;
> 4. The school must employ blind guide dog trainers in addition to its 
> other
> blind employees;
> 5. The school must incorporate sleepshade training in its program;
> 6. The school must use the Structured-Discovery Model in its programs;
> 7. The program's philosophy of blindness must be that of the NFB;
>    GDB meets some of those criteria but not all of them. After reading the
> above list you'll know that you're telling the wrong person to "Switch
> schools" if they don't like a particular policy.
> Peter Donahue
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jenine Stanley" <jeninems at wowway.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 3:59 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] contact with puppy raisers/walkers
> Although GDF does allow contact with puppy raisers/walker, I do feel the
> need to defend TSE's no-contact policy. It has nothing, absolutely 
> nothing,
> to do with you being an adult. It's about the principle of anonymous 
> giving,
> selfless giving.
> I've been in a workshop where a puppy raiser actually said "I raised these
> dogs. I'm entitled to pet them whenever I want. You people are too mean to
> them, never write back and don't deserve them."
> The man who said this totally embarrassed his family and does not 
> represent
> all puppy raisers/walkers, but his opinion, or variations thereof, are out
> there and make up the wide reasons people do raise puppies.
> Also, not everything your dog does now is a result of things it did as a
> puppy or was illegally allowed to do. I've heard from puppy walkers who 
> were
> crushed when hearing about their dogs' behavior as guides and were berated
> by the handlers for allowing X, Y or Z when they did no such thing.
> I think those who have issue with TSE's puppy contact policy should read 
> in
> the literature exactly why it was established. It screams respect for the
> adult nature of blind people.
> Jenine Stanley
> jeninems at wowway.com
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