[nagdu] marathons
Wayne Merritt
wcmerritt at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 02:34:13 UTC 2010
The few times that Gucci and i have come up on the bus stop to go home
and have found the bus sitting there or when the bus was rolling up,
we have jogged a hsort distance to get on the bus in time. Does that
count? Probably not, but we were definitely in a time constraint since
we had to be fast enough to make the bus, grin. So far we have a
perfect record, with the only time we've missed a bus being when Gucci
made a sidewalk deposit. The 30 secodns it took me to clean up her
deposit and make it to the stop, the bus had pulled up and left.
Otherwise, we do pretty well.
On 1/16/10, Tamara Smith-Kinney <tamara.8024 at comcast.net> wrote:
> AnnaLisa,
> That is so awesome! I hope you can find out what happened and let us know.
> I have tried running with Mitzi, and it works surprisingly well. For about
> 10 feet until my nerve gives out and I have to gasp for air because I had
> forgotten to breathe. /lol/ Those 10 feet feel like a marathon? Does that
> count? Just kdding. I actually have been practicing jogging at the park
> when I have the wide open, grassy field to myself. In the last of the fall
> sun, I could sort of see the white soccer goal posts to maintain some
> orientation, but I did learn to stay pretty straight when I closed my eyes.
> Mitzi thinks it's absolutely thrilling to see me jog, and she zips around
> like mad and leaps into the air. /lol/ If she has her ball, she squeak
> guides every time she races across my line of travel. She is a very funny
> girl. My goal is to learn to actually jog around the track there with Mitzi
> in harness, and then we'll see about going on the woodland trail.
> No marathons, though!
> Tami Smith-Kinney
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of AnnaLisa Anderson
> Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 6:04 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] marathons
> Hi Jenine,
> Well, this isn't really a lot of help, but there was a guy in my class at
> Leader last time around who was going to start training for the Boston
> marathon when he got home from class. We kept in touch for a while, and he
> told me that he and his dog were training together, and that the dog showed
> great stamina for it. He emphasized that he would never push the dog beyond
> his limits, but at that time he had said that his dog was doing very well.
> He told me the marathon people were giving him a real hard time about
> running the marathon with his dog and no other sighted assistance. I don't
> know if he was ever successful in his bid to run the marathon independently
> though. That was almost 5 years ago now, and we haven't been in touch for a
> long time. The guy's name is Dwight, and last I knew he was still living in
> MA. I have no idea if he is an NFB member or not. If anybody here knows
> him, perhaps they could chime in.
> AnnaLisa and Sundance
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