[nagdu] Catching up / Birthdays

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 23:51:01 UTC 2010

Hi every one, I am just now catching up on all my emails.A friend and I went
to the ACB convention in Phoenix, on the twelfth of July.Don't worry,I am
not defecting, I just wanted to attend a blind convention and this was the
only one available in my area and Carla said she would drive me.It was my
first convention. I decided that Shaman was not ready for this kind of work
yet as we are still a young team,so I used Nala,which made her quite happy.
I thought I might be snubbed because I did not have a program trained
dog,but I got the opposite response.People and Several guide dog instructors
came over to me and wanted to know where my dog was trained and said that
they were very impressed with the way she behaved and and the way she
worked. I knew that she would be perfact even though she has never been to a
convention. She does her work flawlessly and ignores other dogs and
people.There were a few dogs that acted up and a few handlers that could not
seem to control their dogs,but most of the dogs were good.Stefanie,a Fidelco
instructor came over after one of the conferences and we had a great
conversation on huskies as guides and the differences working Huskies and
Shepherds and wheelchair guiding. We also talked about rescue dogs. I
enjoyed the convention and so did Nala. She has been much happier since I
worked her.I hope someday to attend a NFB / NAGDU  convention here in
Arizona. At least think about it.It could be done.   Marion,I hope your
birthday was a happy one. I turned 64 on July 5th. I don't feel any older
than I did when I was 25 either.  My sister keeps telling me that I am in my
second childhood,but I tell her that is impossible as I never got out of my
first one. Have a great day,Mardi and Shaman and Nala,retired but still
likes to works on occasion.


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