[nagdu] EXTERNAL: Puppy raising
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
Fri Jul 30 15:32:34 UTC 2010
Doesn't being required to show ID take us down the path of what the
NAZIs did?
If that was a requirement, I'd never use a guide or service dog again.
I'd be worried about what precident that sets, as well as what
information was contained on the card. Who would get to see it and what
would they do with that information.
I don't understand why raisers can't ask permission to take their pups
places. Also, nonworking dogs aren't comitted to only going to Petsmart.
Parades are a great experience, as are outdoor cafes, (my neck of the
woods is full of such places) and any number of other oppertunities
Given the example Jordan sites, the lady n the bus didn't sneak her dog
on, if you knew about it, everybody else did too. Why didn't you call
the bus company and point out the discrpenacy?
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Jordan Frances Ortiz
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:11 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] EXTERNAL: Puppy raising
As Danielle's Co-Raiser, rommmate, and friend I'd have to agree. If we
only took our puppies to pet friendly areas they would not receive the
exposure handlers require. I am a Seeing Eye dog handler and raiser.
Viola is my Seeing eye dog, and I appreciate all the exposure her
raisers gave her. We have taken our puppies everywhere, and I have no
problem asking for permission. For those who think that raising puppies
should not be allowed in areas that only service dogs are allowed I have
to aks a question. what would you do if your dog started backing down
open stairs or planting their paws when they see a strange statue? How
would you correct shaking at a parade or cowering from children.
We as raisers work hard every minute of everyday to make all of the
harness dogs have a smooth working experience. These puppies need the
exposure to as much as possible, or when they get with their handlers
they will freeze up. I believe that if there were to be new laws passed
that puppies and service dogs should be required to show ID when
entering public places. I feel this will inconvenience our lives, but
it will cut down all people snaeaking in pets as service puppies or
Nothing annoys me mor ethan when I get on a transit bus that doesn't
allow pets with my guide dog and puppy and there is a women on the bus
with a yappy dog in her purse. "Its my service dog" right... sorry for
the rant, but this stuff means a lot to me.
Jordan and Viola
Danielle Nicole Larsen wrote:
> Hi Everyone!
> First, a quick introduction as I'm not a frequent poster on this list.
> name is Danielle, and I'm a Seeing Eye puppy raiser. I've also been
> accepted
> to get a guide from TSE and am in the process of making that decision.
> I'm a
> senior at Rowan University in New Jersey.
> Firstly, I feel that puppy in training access rights is far from a
> There is a very important reason puppies need to go places. For
> exposure. If
> puppies can't go anywhere they are going to have significant surprise
> reactins much more often in harness. As a puppy raiser it's our job to
> ensure they have seen it all, and reacted successfully to it all by
> the time
> they are ready for training.
> The puppy that I work with most often now has gone all over, and we
> haven't
> had huge access problems. And that is fortuante but not always the
> case. If
> they dont' get out, they don't recieve exposure and don't know how to
> work
> in harness. If you are a guide dog handler I'm certian you would not
> your pup to have only been to pets mart or a dog park
> Secondly, The Seeing Eye, the shcool I raise for I'm sure your all
> familar
> with, doesn't want the puppies at dog parks and things of the like.
> places have dogs of all types that may not all have thier
> vaccinations. So
> not all pet friendly places are puppy appropriate.
> I honestly believe that it should be required for a puppy raiser to
> their pup wearing identifying attire and present ID at each place. But
> think that if that is followed, access should be granted via laws.
> Eventually. Right now things are okay. But with that law things could
> much better. The more places a puppy can go, the more ready they are
> for the
> working world. And in no way could that EVER be viewed as bad!
> As a puppy raiser I made the commitment to the work that goes into it.
> And I
> have loved every single second, both good and bad, of it. There is not
> one
> moment I would take back. I understand calling places ahead of time is
> part
> of the deal. And it's not a problem for me. It's what I committed to
> do by
> working with this puppy. But that doesn't mean that having the laws
> wouldn't
> help. Any chance at exposure as far as I'm concerned is a good one.
> And if
> the laws were able to support that I think it would make a difference.
> I'll step off my soapbox now!
> =)
> -D
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)"
> <REBECCA.PICKRELL at tasc.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] EXTERNAL: Puppy raising
>> Meghan,
>> Thank you for this. Probably people think that you're training the
>> to replace your current guide. Or, they just like you or like one or
>> both dogs. Nothing wrong with that.
>> I'm glad you have the rights in Wisconsin, I just don't think giving
>> access rights v. privileges to puppies in training is a good use of
>> resources. NFB and the other blindness and service dog organizations
>> still have a lot to do with regard to access issues for working
>> I'd rather see oure fferts go toward that end given that puppy
>> are able to both ask permission as well as frequent pet friendly
>> and activities.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf Of Meghan Whalen
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:45 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] EXTERNAL: Puppy raising
>> That is a very good question, and one I really can't answer. I just
>> know
>> that in Wisconsin, dogs in training are granted the same access
>> as
>> long as they behave. I am honestly a little bit surprised that I
>> haven't
>> been challenged for having two dogs with me, but I will cross that
>> bridge if
>> I come upon it.
>> I would have no issues with calling ahead to see if I could bring my
>> puppy
>> in training with me, if that was what the law required, but it is
>> nice
>> to know that he can come in everywhere.
>> Meghan
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)"
>> <REBECCA.PICKRELL at tasc.com>
>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:22 AM
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] EXTERNAL: Puppy raising
>>> Hi Meghan. The way you explain the leaving and coming back makes
>> sense.
>>> You're teaching a very defined skill, unlike with parents who teach
>> "how
>>> to be a good person" which is very different. In your situation,
>> you're
>>> trying to stop the dog from barking and you reintroduced the
>>> quickly so the good behavior was reinforced.
>>> My problem with the "just leave if the dog acts up" is that it
>>> the dog that if it is just tired of working, all it need do is act
>>> Your explamation sounds like it teaches the correct behavior v. the
>>> incorrect one. In fairness, this can be very difficult to keep in
>> mind.
>>> I'm still not sure why service dogs in training need the rights that
>>> guide dog users do. Your thoughts? I guess I don't understand why
>> asking
>>> for permission and sticking to dog-friendly places wouldn't be
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>> Behalf Of Tracy Carcione
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:36 AM
>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>> Subject: EXTERNAL:[nagdu] Puppy raising
>>> Hi Meghan.
>>> I would be extremely interested to hear more about your
>>> experiences. You have a guide dog, too, don't you? How does that
>> work?
>>> Or are you between dogs?Tell us all about your puppy!
>>> Tracy
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