[nagdu] NAGDU Board of directors Meeting
Marion Gwizdala
blind411 at verizon.net
Sun Jun 20 19:30:22 UTC 2010
Dear all,
On Sunday evening, June 20 at 8:00 pm EDT, the Board of Directors of the National Federation of the Blind will meet via teleconference. This will be our last meeting prior to convention, so we have a lot of work to do to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible. As always, the meetings of the NAGDU Board are open meetings. Members are invited and encouraged to join the teleconference. Time is provided for members to offer opinions and input; however, only members of the Board of Directors may make motions and vote.
National convention is also a time when NAGDU really needs your help. There are numerous volunteer opportunities available in Dallas and working during convention helps make it more memorable for you and for those you meet!So watch the lists and volunteer your time to make a difference!
Conference Participant Instructions
1.. At the specified time, call (641) 715-3300
2.. When prompted, enter your participant code: 560908#
Please note: This conference will be recorded. Participation in the conference implies an agreement to and authorization for such recording in compliance with state and federal laws.
During the conference call, participants may use the following commands:
*3 exits the conference and puts you in the lobby.
*6 mutes the participant. Pressing the command again unmutes the participant.
Fraternally yours,
hile at conventionMarion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
National Federation of the Blind
President at NFB-NAGDU.ORG
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