[nagdu] call for volunteers to help with NAGDU's exhibit hall table

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Sun Jun 20 19:53:35 UTC 2010

Hello all,

How time flies!  It seems like only yesterday that I was writing to all of
you to ask for your help at our fund raising table in Detroit.  Well, it's
getting close to the time we'll all be heading to Dallas.  This year, we'll
once again be selling raffle tickets for a Victor Reader Stream, plus other
neat peripherals for it.  Board member and Wisconsin's guide dog division
president Meghan Whalen has once again procured the Stream as a generous
donation from Roger Behm.  We will also be selling our very popular (or
should that be "pup-u-lar" Pupcakes!  Below my signature you will find the
exhibit hall schedule.  Please look over NFB's agenda to see when you'll
have some free time to give at the NAGDU table.  If you haven't seen it, you
can go to NFB's website to read it.
I'll also send it out to this list.  Just as last year, two hour time slots
would be
best, but we'll be grateful for as little or as much time as you can give,
but I'd say
an hour minimum.  Those of you who are presidents of affiliates, if you
could ask folks to help out who aren't on the NAGDU list, it would be
appreciated.  Two persons working at the table together is ideal.  An
exciting change this year will be that we plan to have one or two of the new
IBills at the table.  This is a simple little gadget that quickly and
accurately tells you the denomination of a bill, no matter which way you
place it.  It gives this information by spoken word, by beeps, or by
vibrations.  This will help take some of the stress out of doing lots of
transactions when we find ourselves with little or no sighted assistance.
The other change this year is that we will hold a short informational
teleconference for those who are kind enough to volunteer.  This will take
place on Sunday, June 27, at 8 PM.  We hope this will take some of the
wrinkles and/or bugs out of the scheduling process.

Please email me off list with the time slot or slots for which you would
like to volunteer.  Remember that we prefer two people at the table during
each time
slot.  If you definitely want to volunteer, but don't know which times you
can commit to helping, please send me an email anyway so that I have a list
of names.  We can narrow down your table time(s) later.

Thanks so very much for your help with this.  Read on past my signature for
the schedule, and email me off list at
sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Be sure to include your cell phone number so we can more effectively
communicate in Dallas.  I'll reply with mine as well.  Also, please indicate
whether you can join us on the conference call on June 27.  It isn't
mandatory, but I believe that the more participation we get for this call,
the smoother things will go for us in the Exhibit Hall, and the happier
we'll be!!

Volunteering At the Exhibit Hall Table
When you send me an email, please include:
your time preference"s" if you know at this point, your cell phone number,
and whether you'll be able to join us for the informational conference call
on Sunday, June 27, at 8 P.M.  Thanks so very much for your help!

Sunday, July 4 (Red white and blue dogs only at the table please!)  (smile)
Hall open 9:00 till 5:00

9:00 till 11:00

11:00 till 1:00

1:00 till 3:00

3:00 till 5:00

Monday, July 5
Hall open 8:30 till 5:00
(Perhaps some wonderful volunteers could take a two and a half hour shift
some time during the day to even things out?  We can be flexible, of course,
so if someone prefers 2:30 till 5:00, that works!)
Let's try
8:30 till 11:00

11:00 till 1:00

1:00 till 3:00

3:00 till 5:00

Tuesday, July 6
Hall open 12:00 till 1:45

Wednesday, July 7
Hall open 12:00 till 1:45

Note.  The following is a time slot which was begun last year for the
exhibit hall, done because
our convention is a day shorter:

Wednesday, July 7
Hall open 7:00 till 10:00
You could stay for the whole time, or an hour and a half.  By this time,
even an hour will do! (grin)

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