[nagdu] A Seeing Eye email list, info
Brent Reynolds
burddawg at bellsouth.net
Mon Mar 15 02:12:14 UTC 2010
The main list for graduates, instructors, and puppy raisers of The Seeing
Eye is run and moderated by several graduates of the school.
If you are currently working with a Seeing Eye dog, are a staff member or a
puppy raiser of The Seeing Eye, or if you have actually received a confirmed
class date to get a Seeing Eye dog, you can join the list.
The best way to subscribe would probably be to send a message to:
seeingeye-l-owner at list.web.net
and tell them that you have a class date and are going to get a Seeing Eye
dog and would like to join the email list.
They can subscribe you, or you can then send your subscribe message to:
seeingeye-l-request at list.web.net
Leave the subject line blank.
In the message body, write:
subscribe password
where "password" is replaced by the password you want the mailman list 'bot
to assign you. If you don't select a password, you'll get a really funky
one chosen at random, which you can later change.
You'll get a confirmation request message which you'll answer by simply
pressing your email program's favorite "reply" key. you'll get back a
welcome message, with instructions on how to use the features of the list.
Brent Reynolds, Atlanta, GA USA
Email: burddawg at bellsouth.net Phone: 1-404-814-0768
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